Mayor Greg Ballard visits Sikh Temple in Indianapolis
Kanwal Prakash Singh
Indianapolis, Indiana USA
October 5, 2009
Indianapolis Mayor and Mrs. Greg Ballard were given a warm reception
and honored at The Sikh Temple (Acton Road) by The Sikh Satsang
of Indianapolis on Sunday, October 4, 2009. Mayor and Mrs. Ballard
were accompanied by their son Greg, Anne Kyle, and staff member
Douglas Hairston. Representatives from The American Red Cross, faculty
members from Franklin College, Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School,
and others were in the audience of several hundred Sikhs from throughout
Central Indiana who attended the Sunday worship at the Temple.

The first-term Republican Mayor, a distinguished U.S. Marine and
retired Lieutenant Colonel, is deeply committed and passionate about
the growing diversity in central Indiana and has been reaching out
to ethnic, cultural, and faith communities in the Metropolitan area
with genuine excitement. For him, they represent rich traditions,
cultures, talents and experiences, and unique resources; and identifying,
understanding, appreciating, celebrating, and mainstreaming these
assets, tapping into their vitality, is good for the future of our
City and Nation. Mayor and Mrs. Ballard are a welcome presence at
many ethnic, Asian, and international festivals and celebrations.
The Mayor often enthusiastically reminds us that he would like to
see more of them: an Indian (Asian) Festival next year to be added
to the already established Greek, Italian, Irish, Middle Eastern,
Hispanic, International Festival, Penrod Arts Fair and other arts
and cultural celebrations, and recently introduced Chinese, Asian,
Native American festivals. The Mayor is hoping, in the not too-distant
future, to add Cricket to the Hoosier sports pastime, adding another
world-class sport in Indianapolis, a City recognized and often promoted
as the Amateur Sports Capital of the Nation. During his remarks
at The Sikh Temple, Mayor Ballard invited the Hoosier Sikhs to be
a part of the Indian (Asian) Festival when that is organized.
For our Mayor, enlarging our cultural tapestry is an act of faith
and recognition that diversity is our new frontier of great opportunity
with undreamed-of rewards, including attracting the brightest and
best, many new businesses, and the magnificent arts from around
the world to make Indianapolis their future home and favorite welcome
destination. We see this as a welcome sea-change: the winds of culture
freely flowing through the “Crossroads of America.”
Following a very warm greeting by The Sikh Satsang leadership and
friends, Mayor Ballard proudly wore a beautiful blue Sikh turban,
as a mark of respect to the Sikh tradition of covering one’s
head at Sikh worships before entering the Congregation Hall. The
Mayor’s wife, Winnie, originally from the Philippines, covered
her head with a rich brocaded green scarf. As they entered, the
Ragi Jatha of Bhai Kartar Singh Anand (New Delhi) was performing
Shabad Keertan.
Jasvir Singh Lalli, President of The Sikh Satsang, welcomed Mayor
and Mrs. Ballard, others guests and Hoosier Sikh Americans gathered
for this occasion. Following that, KP Singh, a long-time resident
of Indiana, volunteer coordinator of the program, gave a few highlights
of the Sikh faith tradition, philosophy and practice, and provided
information on the Sikh American community in the USA and Indiana
(see attached: text of notes about faith).
In his enthusiastic introduction of Mayor Ballard, KP described
him as a hands-on leader who is less concerned about his own political
future or personal popularity but remains more intensely focused
on first serving the people. Our Mayor is passionate about diversity
in all its colorful splendor; deeply committed to tapping into the
assets, pioneering spirit, and innovative energy that each immigrant
brings to our beloved City and the Nation. He has a wonderful partner
in his wife Winnie to advance this passion. We welcome this enlightened
spirit and message.
KP also reminded Mayor Ballard of the special challenges that Sikh
Americans have faced since 9/11 because of their faith-mandated
articles of faith, among them their turbans and beards that have
led many, based entirely on physical appearance, to mistakenly identify
Sikhs with the terrorist in Iraq and Afghanistan. This has unfortunately
led to many cases of workplace discrimination, verbal harassments,
unprovoked violence, and hate crimes against them. KP asked Mayor
Ballard that we would like to see all barriers removed that today
prevent Sikhs Americans to serve in law-enforcement agencies, public
transport, and in the U.S. Armed Forces with their sacred articles
of faith. We are Americans, America is our home, and we are in search
of our rightful place and opportunity to serve at every level and
in every field.
KP added that we are very appreciative that Mayor Ballard lives
and honors diversity and has come to honor us as a friend and as
the distinguished Mayor of an All-American City. In our joyous response
to what his leadership and visit means to us, from this day we are
happy to embrace our honored guests as Mayor Greg “Singh (lion)”
Ballard and his wife as Mrs. Winnie “Kaur (princess)”
Ballard. The audience gave their enthusiastic approval to this idea
with several Jakaras (the Sikh acclamations of joyful exuberance):
Bolay so nihaal, Sut Siri Akal: They are immeasurably blessed who
proclaim the Name of the Lord as Eternal Truth.(see attached the
full text of introduction).
Mayor and Mrs. Ballard were presented, on behalf of The Sikh Satsang
of Indianapolis, the traditional Siropa (Sikh religious scarf of
honor) by Giani Pritam Singh, a ceremonial Sikh sword (as a symbol
of righteous defiance and self-defence), a beautiful coffee-table
book, The Sikhs by Khushwant Singh and Raghu Rai, signed by Gianijee,
Jesse Lalli (President), Avtar Singh and Maninder Walia (Trustees
of The Sikh Satsang). Gianijee was assisted by Jesse Lalli, Sonya
Gill (a designated Natural Helper, Immigrant Welcome Center), and
Nachhatar Singh (Vice President). Mayor Ballard, on behalf of his
wife and his own, graciously accepted the special gifts, honors,
and thanked the leadership and congregation for their generosity,
warm reception, and friendship.
A big surprise of the moment was a Lifetime Sewa Plaque presented
by Mayor Ballard to Harpreet Sandhu, past President and current
Trustee of Satsang. Giani Pritam Singh presented a Siropa to Harpreet.
Harpreet was being recognized by The Sikh Satsang (Congregation)
of Indianapolis for his years of service to The Hoosier Sikh community,
for his involvements in various civic, cultural, and religious Sikh
community outreach efforts. He has actively supported and participated
in The Interfaith Hunger Initiative, Asian American Alliance’
annual Race for All Races, annual Spirit & Place Festival programs,
Interfaith celebrations and forums, the annual United Way of Central
Indiana-Indianapolis Mayor’s Community Fair on Monument Circle
commemorating 9/11, and negotiating the future site of The Sikh
Temple and cultural and educational campus in Indianapolis.
Mayor Ballard in his remarks acknowledged the good things that
Hoosier Sikhs have been involved in since they arrived in the City
more than 42 years ago. Mayor Ballard had studied the notes about
the Sikh faith and complemented the community on their generous
support of worthy causes and their spiritual foundation that advocates
the values of equality, justice, unity and universality and defense
of individual dignity and human rights of all God’s children.
He saw in the commandments of Sikh faith and tradition of Seva (selfless
service) as lessons for others. He challenged the gathering that
we must work together and make our City a more special place for
future generations. (see attached: the full text of Mayor’s
Mayor Ballard’s visit is a part of The Hoosier Sikh American
community’s continuing efforts:
. To know our leaders
. To understand our rights and responsibilities as Americans
. To be actively involved in faith-based initiatives
. To share our concerns and special challenges; our heritage and
. To mainstream our interests, talents, visions, and put them to
. To know our community culture, institutions, and opportunities
. To learn about and contribute to the growing ethnic, cultural,
and spiritual diversity
Throughout America and around the world, the Sikh community in
Diaspora is engaged in many ways and at many levels to serve, innovate,
and build a better future. They are increasingly interfacing their
dreams and traditions with the communities and nations that are
their new homes; adding their rich culture and heritage to the tapestry
of ideas, experiences and visions, hopes and dreams, assets and
strengths to create global prosperity and peace.
In Indianapolis, we are determined to become more responsible and
dependable partners, enthusiastic participants, and engaged and
enlightened citizens making a difference to the life, opportunities,
and the freedoms we cherish as Hoosiers and world citizens. We must
earn acceptance, friendship, and trust of our leaders and neighbors
by dispelling ignorance and unfounded stereotypes; reinforce and
expand our commitments to the communities where we live and work.
As relatively more-recent immigrants, much like other ethnic groups
that came to these shores before us, we have to step out of our
comfort zones and learn about the cultures, networks, institutions,
and laws that govern and serve our communities.
Our culture, faith, history, heritage, and experiences shape and
reflect our deepest values. They are vital to our spirit, personal
dignity, and humanity and need to be respected as a sacred right.
More and more Americans appreciate other cultures in our midst
and genuinely believe that they contribute immensely to our City
and the Nation. Mayor and Mrs. Greg Ballard paid a visit to The
Sikh Temple this past Sunday to affirm the idea that all citizens
represent an asset and can contribute much to our City. In Indiana,
The Sikh Americans are growing in numbers, increasingly feeling
at-home, and are finding the power and blessings of staying fully
