Kavi Raz became the first South Asian
actor to break into Hollywood TV and Film industry,when
he was signed on to play one of the star characters
on NBC's award winning hit series "St Elsewhere."
Somewhere in the rugged terrains of a foreign land,
a man schemed, plotted and carried out a hideous and
cowardly act that changed our world forever.
Somewhere in the heart of America, a simple man living
a righteous, pious life, raising his family with the
fear of God in his heart, pays the consequences.

The Gold Bracelet is a groundbreaking film with the
backdrop of an event that changed America forever.
Brave, proud, soul stirring, wrenching at its every
heartbeat, yet showered with colors of a full, blissful
life, The Gold Bracelet is a moving journey of man
who strives to live a simple yet meaningful life.
Even in a tragedy of the greatest magnitude, there
is hope.
Events define history
Events change lives...forever
Events, in the vortex of catastrophe, shape will and
courage, towards a newfound resolution and hope
The Gold Bracelet, an odyssey of a simple, hardworking
man, a native of India, but proud of his love for
his adoptive country, finds his beliefs tested on
the anvil of bigotry that often plagues the soul of
our nation.
The future of our nation, leader of the free world,
will be defined by how our ship sails through the
turbulent storms of our present.
Arjun Singh (Kavi Raz), a God fearing man who left
his native land of Punjab, India to fulfill his dream
of coming to America and give his family a better
life. Leaving behind a professor's occupation, he
now runs a mechanic shop in his adoptive homeland.
Reservedly steadfast to his culture and beliefs, he
embraces America with a new found sense of pride and
He revels in his own ideology of what America means
and represents to him and millions like him.
I am an American for I feel for America.
Today my heart bleeds for America.
With his trust and faith in God, he tries to accomplish
his simple needs, prime among them to provide for
his wife Baljit (Archana Puran Singh), their children,
Simrun (Mehrunnisa Hassan) and Ranjit (Arsh Singh).
His wife is his companion and rock solid support as
he treads the journey of life, facing its challenges
in his strive to be a good and understanding father.