From: Harry Shad []
Sent: Saturday, September 19, 2020 11:53 AM
To: NRIpress
Subject: FAILURES Of >>>> Mr.KEWAL KANDA & HIS EVASIVE Financial Handlings Of Gopio-LA & It's Transparency Under Non-Profit Law.
Hello Readers, Namashkar Greetings . I Harry Shad has been an ordinary/founding member of GOPIO-LA since it's origination in May,2014. Noticed a few irregularities since November 2019 from Mr. Kewal Kanda. Accordingly requested him to kindly clarify the same since then. Most unfortunately Mr. Kewal Kanda has been totally evasive and repeatedly failing to satisfy with supportings documents etc.etc.thru today besides the emails from him below which are self explanatory. Best Wishes.
FAILURES Of >>>> Mr. KEWAL KANDA & HIS EVASIVE Financial Handling Of Non-Profit GOPIO-LA.
Kewal Kanda <>
Jan 7, 2020 at 7:01 PM
Harry ji (and all members),
Thank you (Harry ji) for your email. Sorry for delayed response. Everyone will get a copy of the by-laws soon. I am going to mail them
to everyone.
As far as expense report is concerned, we as EC has no intention of supplying detailed expenses to individuals.
However, in every general meeting, the comprehensive financial report, including bank balance, will be presented for members'
knowledge. Any question can be asked there about income or expenses.
Please keep in mind we are working as volunteers without any compensation. Our whole idea of joining this group is to help our community.
There is no dictator or king here. We are all community servants. My humble request to all members is to focus on community and find
ways to serve it. Please do not try to become a road-block by questioning every little thing. By-laws are for guidance and must be treated
as such. We, the members who put their precious time and resources for volunteering, are the real by-laws. Any individual animosity has
no place here and must be kept out of this group's business.
Also, please do not flood emails traffic for little things. Bring your questions, concerns, and suggestions to general meetings. If anyone
has a suggestion or project on one's mind, please bring it in the meeting and be ready to lead and support it. Members have chosen
some persons to lead them. Please let them do their job. I shall appreciate everyone's kind consideration and support and respect
for the chosen leaders.
Happy New Year to all GOPIO-LA members.
Kewal Kanda
On Monday, February 17, 2020, 09:30:00 PM PST, Kewal Kanda <> wrote:
Dear Ashok ji,
I have nothing to hide. If you can use your influence or resources to make some sense, I have no problem.
It looks like Mr. Harry Shad has only one thing on mind that is to tarnish my image and may be that is why
he is targeting me knowing well I am not obligated to respond to him as individual member. He will never
be able to succeed in that. I can guarantee that. My personal character is way above what he thinks it is.
I am responding only because you offered to resolve the issue. Good luck.
Kewal Kanda
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
{{ FAILURE No. 5 }}
>>> RECAP:- GOPIO-LA MEETING (Feb.9th,2020) {ASK: Mr.Rajinder Dhunna, President
VITAL EVIDENTIARY DOCUMENTS TORN & DESTROYED Mrs.Kalika Gupta For Action Details & What they did?}
(Only A Fraction Of An Inch From 911 Being Called)
FAILURE No.4 :- Mr. Ashok Madan,GOPIO International's Area
Coordinator for Southern California: Mediation 'Impasse'
FAILURE No.5 :- Mr. Rajinder Dhunna, President GOPIO-LA'S Assurance to provide
the relevant documents from Mr.Kewal Kanda.
Harry Shad <>
To:Kalika Gupta,Kewal Kanda,Anju Garg,Asmath Noor,Ashok Madanand 9 more...
Sun, Jun 28 at 2:38 PM
Respected Rajinder Ji,
Respectfully in reference to your Original email of Monday , June 22nd 2020, 8.45 PM..
and my subsequent response to the same yesterday vide my email dated Sat, Jun 27 at 6:51 PM
pertaining to the same subject matter I herewith submit my AMENDMENT No.1 to the same herewith as follows
which appears below as bold within parenthesis :-
Respected Rajinder Ji,
Respectfully in reference to your email of Monday , June 22nd 2020, 8.45 PM..
containing attachments /s of various banking statements, revenue /expenses pertaining to GOPIO-LA..
Accordingly I have reviewed the Bank Statements & Revenue/Expenses as provided by you in your above mentioned email.
Unfortunately they fail to provide any logical or ethical justification/s due to a total lack of supporting paperwork and documentation of related expenses
per your email. As such in view of the same and under Transparency Laws pertaining to Non-Profit GOPIO-LA I, Harry Shad herewith make a firm
request/demand as a "Requester" to the responding party (Mr. Kewal Kanda, a resident of Norwalk in the state of California, USA ) i.e.
"Responder" to provide me the following documents complete and full in an expedited matter no later than 10 days from today i.e by July 7th 2020 :-
NOW As of July 26th, 2020:-
>>>> Mr. KEWAL KANDA <<<<
a. FAILED TO PROVIDE:Details of receipts of funds received into GOPIO-LA. Just the gross combined total does not justify anything at all.
Mr. Kewal Kanda needs to substantiate and provide detailed track of receipt totals as they have been received /derived e.g.
date of payment when received must show a clear entry, who paid the amount in question and how paid i.e check ( with details) and/or cash.
b. FAILED TO PROVIDE:Payments made does not justify any support and/or relevance without the bill/invoice from vendor /supplier. Please provide, need to see and peruse the same.
c .FAILED TO PROVIDE:Banking & Checks: Mr. Kewal Kanda needs to provide photocopies of the checks written on behalf of GOPIO-LA and their being cashed and cancelled by the bank. GOPIO- LA's bank does not seem to provide that service of cancelled check/s photocopies etc.and as such it
does not help to understand the payment history very clearly. I ask Mr. Kewal Kand to provide the copies of the checks (original cashed
and/or photo copy of same as he may be receiving in his monthly statements from CoAmerica) pertaining to GOPIO-LA bank account.
( I repeat I need to see photocopies of the cancelled checks issued by GOPIO-LA.)
d. FAILED TO PROVIDE (WHY): I am even further shocked to see that CoAmerica bank is charging GOPIO-LA for Check Books too besides not even providing. photo copies of the checks issued and cancelled in GOPIO LA banking account.
e. FAILED TO PROVIDE: I notice GOPIO-LA making annual payments to our Parent Company GOPIO-International. Respectfully I would like to see the copy of contract including terms and conditions etc. in existence between the two organizations.
f. FAILED TO PROVIDE: I need the record of volunteers together with their credentials provided by them to GOPIO-LA. This needs to be retained for three years. (Per Document Retention Standards For California NonProfits pertaining to Non-Profit Organizations eg. GOPIO-LA).
g. FAILED TO PROVIDE: Mr. Kewal Kanda needs to provide a separate written statement 'Under Penalty Of Perjury" >> {{ (California Penal Code §126) and /or authentically Notarized by a Non Conflicting or a non connected notary from outside of GOPIO-LA}} << , if he or he along with
anyone else is operating any other bank account under the name of GOPIO-LA with any other bank anywhere else besides the (existing) one
with COAMERICA BANK # 1894817004.
h.FAILED TO PROVIDE: I need complete reconciliation of GOPIO -LA i.e. accounts i.e CashBook & Journal Ledger etc. fully balanced both sides clearly indicating Cash & Checks received/disbursed and please note there will be no display of evasive act about it.
i. FAILED TO PROVIDE: MOST IMPORTANTLY I also need copy of yearly financial statement/s as filed by GOPIO-LA with the City of Norwalk , i.e Norwalk City Hall ( Category 1402) of last three years PLUS proof of filing of GOPIO-LA application processing including the copy of deposit receipt of fee with
application ( $85.00).
j. FAILED TO PROVIDE: Mr. Kewal Kanda with no remorse has been conducting GOPIO-LA business WITHOUT A RECEIPT BOOK . I am very keen to understand how he has been handling cash and checks separately in his accounting practise for so many years for GOPIO-LA non-stop. AND what is
the current status about the same. Is GOPIO-LA still conducting business WITHOUT A RECEIPT BOOK carefree happily. I need answer.
k. FAILED TO PROVIDE: Regarding IRS confirmation/s. Its not my duty to ask Respected AnneTahim for the same. Either Mr.Kewal Kanda or you as President of GOPIO-LA will need to do and provide the needful..
l. FAILED TO PROVIDE: Mr Kewal Kanda uses so many various designations for himself specially in the IRS returns. I need a detailed explanation to that effect also without fail and further openly need to understand.what exact status does he really have in GOPIO-LA Ethically & Officially to match the same
with what he mentions himself in the IRS returns pertaining to GOPIO-LA.
Respected Rajinder ji you are a very wonderful GOPIO-LA President and doing a wonderful job without any doubt whatsoever I want to Congratulate
You and I am personally proud about it also . PLUS I am aware that you are a very successful businessman too. Do you also conduct your various
businesses the same way as Mr. Kewal has been demonstrating to all of us in GOPIO-LA for the last over 6 months?? Painfully and very
unfortunately the most admired and respected person of our community Mr. Kewal Kanda is repeatedly just letting everyone down very
badly in free fall by not being totally cooperative, ethical ,truthful , transparent and honest about disclosing the entire revenue/expenses accounting and
administrative handlings etc. with complete transparency as is fully required by law of the land we are presently living upon. He has been extremely
evasive very tactfully to all of my requests for documentations pertaining to GOPIO-LA inspite of FAILING to my Three major emails since January of this
year to him, publicly.(FOURTH FAILURE) Mr. Kewal Kanda repeatedly failed to honestly cooperate with the most prominent, well known and highly
respected person of Los Angeles Mr. Ashok Madan who took his most precious time and dedicated efforts to mediate this situation to a peaceful and
satisfying conclusion and the result after his hard labor and untiring efforts from his side he had no choice but to declare an 'Impasse'. All this inspite of
the fact Mr. Kewal Kanda even sent Ashok Ji a communication wherein he even wrote that "" he has nothing to hide"". Now what can anyone make
out of it? Let you or anyone else be the judge of Mr. Kewal Kanda'a actions and pattern of behaviour. Rajinder Ji may The Lord Almighty give you power
( FIFTH TIME) of strength to make Mr Kewal Kanda achieve honesty and wisdom to handle the state of affairs of GOPIO -LA with Crystal Clear Transparency
instead of his repeated evasiness of translucent and opaque behaviour all through in the past since January of this year.
LASTLY I await an expeditious action within 10 days from today i.e by July 7th 2020 from your side towards complete fulfilment of the required items.
Failing which I shall retain the rights to proceed further as I may consider deem fit to exercise.
Rajinder ji I sincerely wish you Good Luck.
Best wishes.
(With this email of today dated June 28th, 2020 , 2.38 PM, I Harry Shad, Respectfully confirm my Amendment No.1)
P.S: Under the Non-Profit Transparency I have decided to let all the members of
GOPIO-LA know the current happenings within so that they may also remain fully aware
internal activities. ( PLUS under Olive Branch below to conduct "mass publicity of any
kind and means whatsoever " with full knowledge and information to & of Mr. Kewal Kanda.).
(NB) :: ADDENDUM ::-- The failures above clearly indicates Mr. Kewal Kanda blindly in hubris with total obstinacy to produce GOPIO-LA's financial records and come out clean. All of this besides so many requests from the names mentioned above specially Mr. Ashok Madan ,GOPIO International's Area Coordinator for Southern California & Mr.Rajinder Dhunna, President GOPIO-LA. They very respectfully put in an enormous amount of hard labor and efforts & yet ended up with disappointment. Mr. Kewal Kanda's unfortunate patron of behaviour and tactful evasive actions from almost all angles seems nothing more than just a probable pattern of " Manipulated Act and concealment of TRUTH & FACTS" coupled through unsuspecting novices & cronies in past and presently almost confirmation bias in GOPIO-LA 501-3C system using it all in conflict of interest to his utmost benefit and personal gain non-stop and that too functioning without even a receipt book !!!! He misleads to please and appease the society as way of life under constant barrage of self inflicted fact that he can and does nothing wrong by acting as authoritarian towards Gopio-La members thus comforting himself in this way of living in denial to honest realities of life. An old thought process gets activated here: When a person continuously ignores requester's request/s as stated above without any reason , it is nothing short of admission to requester's contentions and/or in other words probably an act of unjust enrichment presently under the cover. While time is always of the essence but here the state of Mr. Kewal Kanda's behaviour is barely starting to show a tip of an iceberg at horizon. Just a matter of time is all it takes historically. PLUS There may likely be a possibility of even more failures and irregularities by Mr.Kewal Kanda than those that meets the eye here in GOPIO-LA..
> {{ This Addendum Subject To Additional Addendums & Amendments}}<
{{ FAILURE No 5 }}
JULY 26th,2020
Mr. Kewal Kanda Has 7 calendar days from today i.e thru August 2nd to demonstrate His GOOD FAITH COOPERATION.
>>>>>>> SO HELP HIM GOD <<<<<<<
Failing which I the requester shall have all the rights and/or options to proceed further against him as I may consider deem fit to exercise
including but not limited to mass publicity of any kind and means whatsoever and/or civil,criminal and/or federal charges accompanied
by claims and demand for exemplary and/or punitive sanctions which may contain and/or hold liabilities against him and of the individual/s in question ie. Executive Committee handling it all alongwith Gopio-LA and/or Gopio-International (Parent Organization) jointly and/or severely etc.etc
{ I Harry Shad herewith close this declaration here for the time being.}
{{ Mr. Kewal Kanda Intentionally ignored the Olive Branch also}}
WHAT A SORROWFUL TALE SO FAR...........!!!!!!!! |