Dr. Amrit Singh, MD |

Dr. Amrit Singh Sekhon MD |

- Dr. Amrit Singh is an interventional Cardiologist practicing in Long Beach.
- He did his MBBS from Govt. Medical College Patiala, Punjabi University, Punjab, India.
- He had been an honors student throughout. He had represented his college in debates at all India level.
- He did his post graduation in Internal Medicine and in Cardiology from UCI Irvine, Loma Linda University and LAC- USC Medical Center.
- He is a consultant in the local area hospitals.
- Dr. Singh is an active member of the Sikh Society in Southern California.
- He represented Indian Community during LA Bicentennial Celebrations in a half an hour television Interview on NBC in 1978 during American Hostage Crisis by Iran and cleared the air that American Sikhs are not terrorists.
- He has also given lectures on Sikhism in Various California Universities in LA and OC.
- He always volunteers to help the citizens in the time of need.
- He is strong believer in exercise and plays various sports like tennis, swimming, football, volleyball and has won Gold medal for completing the LA marathon.