The X-Stream Networks, Inc: Dr. Kathuria was a Director and a major shareholder and helped pioneered the free ISP concept. The X-Stream Network, Inc. was one of the fastest growing Internet service providers (ISP) in the world and became the third largest ISP in the UK. The X-Stream Networks, Inc. was sold for USD 75 million in cash and stock and merged with LibertySurf. The combined company went public on the Paris Stock Exchange for USD 2.9 Billion in March 2000.
MirCorp: Dr. Kathuria was instrumental in helping build the company and is a former founding director. MirCorp created world history on April 4th, 2000 when it became the world's first company to privately launch and fund a manned space program, by signing up Dennis Tito as the world's first "citizen explorer." MirCorp was a joint venture between Rocket & Science Corporation (RSC) Energia.
American Teleradiology & Nighthawks: was co-founded by Dr. Kathuria. American Teleradiology supplies teleradiological services to hospitals and centers 365 days / year around the clock and today is 4th largest teleradiology reading company in the United States.
Dr. Chirinjeev Kathuria -M.D., M.B.A.----President and Chairman, New Generation Power (NGP) |

NRI's Chicago based company is awarded largest Power contract to build Solar in India
New Generation Power to Build 315 Megawatts Solar in India
Chicago, Nov 07, 2013
New Generation Power, a Chicago based renewable energy company, along with Premier Solar Group, a Hyderabad based solar company has signed one of the largest Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) in India by a consortium. Under the Andhra Pradesh Solar Scheme, the open bid process will now be part of a 1,000 megawatt (MW) development plan that will be built out in the region.
Expected to cost roughly US$400 million over a period of 12 months, installations will spread across multiple sites in the State of Andhra Pradesh with PPA’s for 20 years. NGP’s valuable consortium will build, own and operate all of the plants.....Read More
- Oct 24, 2013: New Generation Power (Chicago) and Grupo Léros (São Paulo) plan to build a 500 MW solar photovoltaic project in the Brazilian state of São Paulo, in 30 MW plants. This is the maximum size to benefit from an 80% discount on the electricity transmission tariff.The first three PV plants in the project have already been enrolled in the A-5 energy auction, which will be held on December 13th, 2013 by Brazilian electricity regulator ANEEL. The total project will cost an estimated USD 900 million, with NGP contributing 85% to the venture, and Léros contributing the remaining 15%.
- August 2011: Caribbean Utilities Company, Ltd. (CUC) is pleased to announce that two Renewable Energy
developers have been chosen to provide large scale renewable energy options to the CUC grid,
subject to approval by the Electricity Regulatory Authority (ERA) of the negotiated final Power
Purchase Agreements.
- May 17, 2013:Army awards New Generation Power Geothermal Technology Multiple Award Task Order Contract for Department of Defense installations--The Mining, Metallurgical and Chemical Combine Trepča and U.S. consortium New Generation Power (NGP) have signed a contract on technical business cooperation."The idea is for NGP to create a public partnership for Trepča where the governments of Serbia and Kosovo will always be majority owners of the mines. Our goal is for Trepča to become one of the biggest mining capacities in the world," said Kathuria.The NGP-led consortium includes Eaton Corporation, Jones Lang LaSalle, Lockheed Martin, Martifer Group, Talesun Solar, and WESCO. used to employ 25,000 workers......Read More
- Two Chicago solar firms make short list for Pentagon's clean energy contract: Two Chicago-based firms made the short list to compete for part of $7 billion the Pentagon plans to spend on clean energy over the next few decades.
With more than a hundred firms in the running, New Generation Power Inc. and Acciona Energy North America Corp. were among 22 solar-power contractors selected yesterday by the Army Corps of Engineers, allowing them to compete for contracts with individual bases and other military sites. Congress has mandated that military installations must get 25% of their power from renewable energy by 2025."This puts us in a strong position to help them meet their goals," said Chirinjeev Kathuria, New Generation's founder, chairman and CEO.New Generation also will be working on micro-grid technology aspects of the potential projects with Chicago's Robert W. Galvin Center for Electricity Innovation at the Illinois Institute of Technology, said Dr. Kathuria.
- July 30, 2013: Veriown represents the future of distributed energy. Few innovation providers come out of the gate with the kind of assets, capabilities, talent and vision that Veriown has.”........... Dr. Chirinjeev Kathuria, President, Chairman, New Generation Power
“The electric power industry in the United States is undergoing a transformation; from a model that relies on large, inefficient, unreliable, centralized power plants to more diverse, decentralized, efficient, reliable, renewable solutions.” said Dr. Chirinjeev Kathuria, President, Chairman of New Generation Power, Chairman of Veriown Energy. “Few innovation providers come out of the gate with the kind of assets, capabilities, talent and vision that Veriown announces today.”........Read more
“The U.S. Virgin Islands is an extreme case of how run away energy cost tied to fossil fuels can cripple economies,” said Dr. Chirinjeev Kathuria, President, Chairman of New Generation Power, Chairman of Veriown Energy. “....Read more
- Chandigarh, Oct 27, 2008: New Delhi-born Chirinjeev Kathuria s company ties up with Boeing for US space supplies---As India's Chandrayaan-1 cruises to the moon, marking the nation's foray into the big league of space missions, an Indian-born American's company tied up with aircraft manufacturer Boeing for a role in the US' manned space missions.New Delhi-born Chirinjeev Kathuria's is a true story of an Indian immigrant aiming for the stars.PlanetSpace, which was already in league with advanced defence technology systems manufacturer Lockheed Martin and advanced space systems provider Alliant Techsystems (ATK), has formed a new consortium with Boeing and aims to compete for a $3 billion commercial re-supply services (CRS) contract to ship cargo to the International Space Station (ISS) after 2011 as National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) proposes to decommission its current space shuttle programme.
- January 28, 2001 Chirinjeev Kathuria, executive producer, International Space Station, Internet Entrepreneurs, Internet initiative, Mir MIRCORP, MirCorp, NASA MirCorp, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Russia, Space Station, space travel, Star City, The Netherlands, Walt Anderson
- http://www.spaceflightnow.com/news/n0008/10mirsurvivor/


Dr. Chirinjeev Kathuria, President and Chairman, of New Generation Power
- New Generation Power (NGP) is a global developer, investor, owner and operator of infrastructure assets in three key areas – Utility Scale Power Generation, Distributed Generation, and Mining Exploration & Extraction.
- Dr. Kathuria holds a Bachelor of Science (B.S.E.) degree and a Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) from Brown University.
- He also holds a Master's in Business Administration (M.B.A.) from Stanford University.
- Dr. Kathuria, who was born in India, has lived in Illinois since he was eight months old. He graduated Valedictorian of Downers Grove North School
- NRI Eentrepreneur Chirinjeev Kathuria
believes in staying ahead of the technology curve.
- A physician by training, Kathuria is best known for making space travel a
commercial possibility with Mircorp, a joint venture with a Russian entity.
He also founded HealthCite, a health care portal, which he says gets two
million visitors a month on the Web.
"I had put in a lot of my money in Healthcite, close to $10 million," said
Kathuria. But then the meltdown began in the information technology industry and the Internet was no longer the money-tree people had thought it would
- Prior to co-founding the companies listed above Dr. Kathuria helped setup Morgan Stanley's Investment Banking operations in India and helped develop Arthur D. Little biotechnology and health care policy practice in Europe. Dr. Kathuria's published papers include "Biotechnology in the Uncommon Market" and "Segmentation of aneurysms via connectivity from MRA brain data." Dr. Kathuria was a US Senate Candidate in Illinois in 2004.