NRI doctor beaten
up and assaulted by patient at Medical Centre, Scotland
London, Dec 09, 2007
Dr. S. Malhotra
NRI Dr Arun Rai, 49 got severe bruising and cuts after being
pushed to the ground and repeatedly battered on the head and face
by a patient- big guy in his clinic in Glasgow, Scotland. He needed
hospital treatment after he was brutally beaten up in his surgery
The secretary of the Glasgow Local Medical Committee, Dr Alan
McDevitt said that the room was fitted with an emergency security
button but Dr Rai was did not have a chance to use it. Dr. Arun
was continue to shake and staff at the centre are also very upset.
The patient, Frank McDade, 45, of Clydebank appeared at Dumbarton
Sheriff Court and was charged with assault to severe injury and
another assault charge. He made no plea or declaration and was
released on bail pending further inquiries.
The British Medical Association spokeswoman said: "This
is appalling news.It is unacceptable that doctors providing care
and treatment to patients should be subject to such an attack."A
strong message must be sent that violence will not be tolerated
and strict sentences should apply."
According to media news, BAPIO-The British Association of Physicians
of Indian Origin has expressed: "We as an organisation of
doctors representing doctors of Indian origin are shocked that
in this day and age, well-meaning doctors serving patients can
be assaulted."
Dr. Arun Rai graduated from Ranchi University, India. He was
working at the practice owned by Dr Singh and Partners in the
Clydebank Medical Centre, Glasgow, for the last three years.