Why is education and media Literacy Important for NRI Community’s Success?

NRIs must see the American Jewish community as a yardstick against which to compare themselves.
Success of Jews as proof of their integrity
They know that press is the power

By Gary Singh, Los Angeles

NRIs has created an image of Indians being sharp, smart, hardworking and able to achieve laurels in diversified fields - medicine, engineering, NASA, pharma, academics, IT, management etc.

According to the Pew Research Centre, NRIs (non-resident Indians) are the best-educated, fastest-growing community and highest-income in the US. NRIs have the highest median household income of $88,000 as compared to asians as a whole have a median household income of $66,000 and the US median of $49,800.

When foreigners travel to India - they suddenly have to make adjustments to the image of Indians being smart and hardworking. The local host, has to keep making excuses to explain off the lack of proper roads, the garbage strewn all over, the lack of pavements, the huge amount of poverty etc.

Thats where our image takes a massive hit - and they must be wondering; “if Indians are so smart, how come the country is so broken”? “When they can launch satellites in space, why can’t they build proper roads and pavements”?
