Former U.S. Ambassador/Ex-Governor Nikki Haley warned Democratic Party:
“If they want to turn US into Venezuela, defund the police."
Los Angeles, July. 10 2020 A.Gary Singh Grewal
Long time ago, when I met Nikki Haley she was a little-known state legislator and became a governor of South Carolina. On Oct. 09, 2018, when Haley announced that she would resign as ambassador to the United Nations on October 9, she attempted to put to rest all speculation about a 2020 run.
“For all of you who are going to ask about 2020, no, I am not running for 2020,” Haley said. “What I can say is I will be campaigning for Trump.
Nikki Haley became popular and excessive credit for taking down a Confederate battle flag from South Carolina’s statehouse at the precise moment it was no longer politically risky. But people are really beginning to catch on that this very ambitious pol sees her presidential future not as an alternative to Trumpism but as a younger, more attractive face for it.
At the U.N.:
- I saw what made America special and what separated us from other countries was the rule of law
- It's what allows us quality of life. It's what allows us our freedom.
Few days back, Nikki Haley joins Sean Hannity on 'Hannity, and said:
- Activists and other people calling for the defunding and abolition of police forces across the country- I am telling you, if they want to turn into Venezuela, defund the police
- Biden declared in an interview that some funding should “absolutely” be redirected from police and law enforcement departments
- She tells activists, 'If they want to turn into Venezuela, defund the police'
If we go with a President Biden:
- we will lose our rule of law, we will have the progressives really running away with everything, getting all of what they want and we will get closer and closer to the socialist countries that we have fought so hard not to become
Facts matter. Results matter:
- Look at the results of Biden with President Obama-The African-American community, women, Hispanics, none of us felt those results like we have with President Trump, she said.
- You don't have to like him but look at the results that he's done and how he has raised the quality of life for so many people.
Credibility of the Black Lives Matter movement:
- We havequestioned the credibility of the Black Lives Matter movement, which she accused of "picking and choosing which lives really do matter.
- Why don't the Black police officers that have been shot or have been chastised, why don't their lives matter?" she asked. "How about the Black store owner whose business burned down? His life matters.
- What about the families who are in threatening areas that need law enforcement to keep them safe?
- What about those six children that died [in shootings across America] over the weekend? Those Black lives matter. So why are we picking and choosing which ones matter?"
- How Much is Nikki Haley Worth? Nikki Haley is living a decent lifestyle with her net worth penned at $1.6 million. She currently receives an estimated salary of $179,600 in addition to the many awards and recognition for her excellent performances.