thinking: beware of what you say
Feb. 27, 2006
By: Chandresh Bhardwaj
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Tools Page 1 of 1 Before you start reading this, I want you to do
the following experiment: Close your eyes and say to yourself, at
least 10 times: "I am sad." By the time you say it the
10th time, you will become the saddest person on this planet. But
do not worry, you are not alone. There are many people who say these
depressing words to themselves and then wonder why so many bad things
happen to them. Now take another minute and say to yourself, "I
am very happy." After saying that, a smile will most likely
appear on your face.
My dear friends, the sole reason for this small experiment is to
let you know the power of words. Our words originate from our thoughts.
Thoughts are powerful and helpful, yet they are the most dangerous
things we have. Your thoughts can destroy you and can make you feel
horrible. But once you learn to master your thoughts, no one can
help you as much as your thoughts. Your personality, state of your
life, and your nature reflects the quality of your thoughts. Always
beware of what you say. It might just come true at some point in
your life.
I have seen many people unhappy with their lives. One of my friends
used to frequently say, "My life sucks." No matter what
happened to him that was his only response. And if you look at his
life, I must say, it really sucks. His employer considered him useless,
his parents called him a hopeless, and do not even ask what his
ex-girlfriend had to say about him.
By saying and repeating these negative statements, he created a
negative layer in his subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind just
follows what we put in it. It does not see whether it's right or
wrong. And the worst thing is that 99 percent of the time we are
unaware that we are succumbing to our subconscious.
I observed my friend for a couple of months, but then I could not
tolerate the way he was acting. So, like a good friend, I suggested
that he stop saying such negative words, and instead use more positive
words in his conversations. After putting his ego aside, he finally
decided stop being so negative, and he has continued to be a more
positive person. He has undergone a tremendous change in his life.
He calls it his rebirth.
I believe that all the problems going on in the world today are
because of negative thinking and negative people. If we study the
places where all the hurricanes, bomb blasts, and the natural calamities
have taken place, we will see that all those places have a huge
record of negativity behind them. That negativity includes political
corruption, illegal businesses, and people indulging in wrong activities
such as drugs and gambling. It's high time that we all take responsibility
of everything happening around us. We all should take as much advantage
of our own powers as we can. To start, change the way that you think.
Stop saying phrases such as, "that's hard," "I can't
do this," " it's impossible," or "What can I
do?" E
Take charge of yourself. Make your own destiny. Your life is a
book and you are the author. Now you have to write each page of
that book. Make sure that you do your best; it's your own life.
Leave the past behind and instead, live in present. Enjoy life to
the fullest. Focus on your goals, and believe in optimism. And the
day is not far when you will find yourself, where I am. Some people
call it 'utopia'. I call it a life guided by your choices and your
Finally, I am glad that you are reading this article. You do not
have to follow or believe it. I suggest you to try this yourself,
and then form your own opinion.
