First Consular Camp by Consulate General of India, San Francisco in Honolulu, Hawaii
Los Angeles/ Jan 21, 2025 A.Gary Singh/
As part of the “Consulate at your Doorstep” ini5a5ve, Consulate General of India, San Francisco
along with VFS Global held their first Consular Camp at the temple of the Interna5onal Society
of Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) in Nuuanu, Hawaii on Saturday, January 18, 2025. This event
was in associa5on with Indian-American Friendship Council of Hawaii Chapter (IAFC) and
ISKCON Hawaii.
ASer a ceremonial ribbon-cuTng, Consul General, Dr. K. Srikar Reddy, was given a tour of the
Temple by its Vice-President, Sundarnanda Das. This was followed by a warm welcome of the
Indian community in Honolulu drawn to this event. Dr. Reddy then spoke to the gathering about
India’s desire for increasing support for that community by reaching out to his office and/or VFS
staff in San Francisco whenever they have any ques5ons about applying for passport, visa,
renuncia5on, OCI card, Power of A]orney among other services.
A lot of people from the community a]ended the event. Dr. Reddy thanked IAFC Hawaii Chapter
President, Dr. Raj Kumar, and Sundarnanda Das for organizing the event.
During his visit, Dr. Reddy also visited Mahatma Gandhi’s statue in Waikiki. He respecbully
draped a Hawaiian lei and offered flowers at Gandhi’s statue.
The program’s ac5vi5es were hosted throughout by IAFC Hawaii Chapter, represented
throughout these ac5vi5es by its President, Dr. Raj Kumar, with members Lyn5llus J. Boyd (VicePresident),
Debbie Young, Ravi Shivaraman, Prof. Marc Jason Gilbert, Shan5 Bo], Mark Sammon
and Pradeep Arora of the Honolulu-based Gandhi Interna5onal Ins5tute for Peace (GIIP).
Dr. Reddy also met with the State of Hawaii’s Governor, the Honorable Josh Green, and Hawaii
State Senator, Mike Gabbard, at the State Capitol.
From LeS to Right: Dr. Raj Kumar, Senator Mike Gabbard, Dr. K. Srikar Reddy,ASO Vivek Anand
