International Mother Language Day Celebration
Los Angeles/Jan 06, 2025
NRIpress.club/Ramesh/A.Gary Singh
Currently, close to 2 million Punjabi speakers call Canada their home. Punjabi language
is now the third most spoken language in Canada. In cities like Brampton, Edmonton,
Calgary and Metro Vancouver, Punjabi is the second most spoken language after
English . Punjabi was recognized as one of several second languages to be available
in BC’s public schools. As things stand now, students in B.C.’s public schools are
required to take one of six recognized second languages including Punjabi, from grades
5 to 8. It is optional from grades 9 to 12.
PLEA would like to request the B.C. Government that the secondlanguage requirement for our students should be changed from the existing requirement
of grades 5 to 8 to grades 4 to 7 as compulsory and grades 8 to 12 as optional. For
Middle schools, it should be compulsory from grades 6 to 8 and optional from grades 9
to 12. Our reason for this is that in our current school system there is a natural break
from Primary to Intermediate grades- Kindergarten to grade to 3 being Primary and
grades 4 to 7 being Intermediate. As such, it should be made compulsory from grades 4
to 7 and optional from grades 8 to 12. However, for the Middle Schools, it will make
sense to have it compulsory from grades 6 to 8 and optional from grades 9 to 12.
Furthermore, PLEA requests that Punjabi is the third most spoken
language. As such, the provincial government and the local school districts should have
appropriate support, messaging and information available to parents about the
availability of Punjabi as second language in our public schools. Also, the province
should ask the post secondary institutions to include teaching of Punjabi as a second
language in B.C.’s public schools as part of the teacher training programs in their
universities. In addition to that, the school districts and the province should assist with
professional development opportunities for teachers of Punjabi language. In certain
schools/school districts, it may be difficult to have enough students or qualified
teachers. As such, providing online Punjabi classes throughout the province should be
given careful consideration and support.
In some of the Metro Vancouver schools/ school districts where there are
many students who may be interested in taking Punjabi, the process of determining
their interests should start early in the calendar year so that the schools/School Districts
get enough time to hire teachers, provide classrooms and other support structure to
ensure the success of the Punjabi classes. At the secondary school level, it should
clearly be stated at the time of course selection early in the new year that Punjabi is
available as an option from grade 9 onwards. Incidentally, Punjabi is the tenth most
spoken language in the world with more than 150 million speakers worldwide. In
Canada and many other countries, it has now become an asset in employment
opportunities. PLEA urges all political parties to give serious consideration to these
recommendations. At the same time ,PLEA would like to appeal to parents of six
elementary schools in Surrey to enroll their children for Punjabi classes . These schools
are: Newton, Chimney Hill, T.E. Scott, Beaver Creek , Green Timbers and Strawberry
Hill. Surrey has become the centre for the Punjabi community. As such, we expect and
hope to have large number of Punjabi and non Punjabi students benefit from this
Like previous years, PLEA will be celebrating the International Mother
Language Day on Sunday, February 23 at Taj Park Convention Centre, 8580 -132
Street in Surrey. There is no admission fee. There is ample free parking . Refreshments
will be available. For this we are very thankful to Mr. Kultarjit Singh Thiara. For further
information please feel free to contact me (Balwant Sanghera) at 604-836-8976 or
Sadhu Binning at 778-773-1886.
Happy New Year !
Balwant Sanghera
President, Punjabi Language Education Association (PLEA Canada)