Bobby Jinda Enters Congressional Race January 29, 2004 -Bobby Jindal, who lost the Louisiana governor's race by a narrow margin in December, has announced his intention to run for the US Congress Seat that is being vacated by Congressman David Vitter. Over the past few weeks I heard from a great number of voters in the First Congressional District who have encouraged me to run for Congress. I have thought long and hard with my wife about the opportunities that are in front of us, and where we feel I can continue to make a positive impact for our state. That is why today I am officially announcing that I am a candidate for Congress in the First District, Jindal said. The First Congressional seat brings with it an honored past, with a history of having strong leadership with a powerful voice in Congress. That will remain the same with Bobby Jindal in Congress. Jindal, surrounded by his wife and two-year old daughter, made his announcement in front of Grace King High School, his wifes alma mater. Prior to the news conference, Jindal met with volunteers and supporters on the Northshore. We did very well here in the Governors race last year, but that is old news, and frankly not relevant. I take no votes and supporters for granted. I will campaign tirelessly in every corner of this district, humbly asking for votes, and offering myself as a servant to the people, Jindal said. I have the vision, passion and the ability to do the best job and get the job done by representing the great people of the First Congressional District. While Jindal said that he will lay out his platform for
the First Congressional District in the coming months, he did touch on
some important issues facing the District and our nation. Jindal also touched on other issues such as the war on terrorism, health care, coastal erosion and flooding, and government spending. The military plays such an important economic role in our state and New Orleans area. It is important to aggressively fight the issue of our time terrorism by supporting President Bush and our troops who are fighting terror abroad so we dont have to face it here at home, he said. Jindal, recognized as a national expert in health care policy, said, The rapidly rising cost of health care is the main reason why millions of Americans lack health insurance today. President Bush has an aggressive plan to address rising healthcare costs and help more Americans afford insurance. I look forward to using my knowledge on health issues in Congress to work in passing President Bushs healthcare agenda. Congressman David Vitter joined Jindal at the announcement and stated his support for the former gubernatorial candidate to fill his open seat being vacated because of his run for U.S. Senate. I can think of no one better than Bobby Jindal to continue the work I have started in Congress on behalf of the people of the First Congressional District, Congressman Vitter said. Bobbys record of success in being a problem solver and his health care expertise will be a great addition to Louisianas Congressional delegation. Also announcing their support of Jindal in his candidacy are: Covington City Councilman W.T. "Trey" Blackall III, St. Tammany Councilwoman Pat Brister, District 6 BESE Board Member Polly Broussard, Slidell City Councilman Ray Canada, Jefferson Parish Tax Assessor Lawrence Chehardy, Tangipahoa Parish Councilman Bobby Cortez, Jefferson Parish Clerk of Court Jon Gegenheimer, City of New Orleans City Councilman-at-Large Oliver Thomas, and Covington Mayor Candace Watkins. ( Jindal, WS)