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The brief time and experience of Qudrat Wardak with us will always remain another testimony of Hoosier goodwill, generosity, and humanitarian spirit. We rejoiced in his miracle recovery from a delicate heart surgery, return to his family in Afghanistan this week, and thanked God for a precious life saved. In his angelic smile, we saw mirrored a reflection of the divine in human nature and an unimagined connection to one another across thresholds of faith, culture, origin, geography, and nationality.

Qudrat Wardak stand for his dad, Hakim
(Source: IndyStar)

This morning, we feel deeply shocked and saddened in Qudrat's untimely passing. A fleeting ray of sunshine that traveled to Indiana as little Qudrat (meaning God, Nature and Miracle) has suddenly disappeared. He leaves a lasting and reassuring trail of boundless human goodness and our faith in service of others.

Our "warmly-adopted new Hoosier," Baby Qudrat, came to deliver this uplifting message to us and to the world personally. Now, this tiny light that lit up and captured our heart and spirit has merged with the Infinite Light. We send grateful prayers for his safe journey "Home." May his parents and extended family find comfort and strength in his uncommon journey.

Kanwal Prakash "KP" Singh
Indianapolis, Indiana USA

Dear Karen:

Here is a follow-up column (attached) on the sudden passing away of baby Qudrat. He was doing so well after his successful delicate heart surgery at Riley Hospital for Children in Indianapolis and died two days after his joyous return to his native Afghanistan and reunion with his family.

An abbreviated column is posted under the title "Qudrat's uncommon journey" in today's Indianapolis Star. This story deeply touched and emotionally bridged the people of Indiana and Afghanistan. It represented the generosity and nobility of human compassion and outreach that leaves a lasting trail of hopefulness and reassurance of man's capacity for incredible good and the divine intervention to make it happen. This fairytale story of Qudrat was another magnificent reminder of the innate goodness in human nature that reveals itself from time to time and strengthens our trust in each other and God's trust in us that some universally-uplifting lessons have not been lost on His Children.

The great Indian poet-laureate and humanitarian sage Rabindranath Tagore wrote once that "Every child comes with a message that God is not yet despaired of man." The heart-warming story of Qudrat and countless others around the world daily reaffirm that man's kindness to strangers as an act of our humanity and faith in service of others pleases God,the One Universal Guardian and Architect of all Creation. We simply need many more such offerings of love and kindness to place at His Lotus Feet and continue to celebrate and honor His Love and Benevolece for each of us. Each such thread across cultural and spiritual thresholds enlarges and embellishes our shared "temporal tapestry" and brings us closer to another part of our extended family across the global village.

Kanwal Prakash "KP" Singh
Indianapolis Indiana USA


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