NRI, Lakshmi Mittal is the Richest Man in South Africa
London; Jan. 18, 2006
Ashok Malhotra
NRI, Lakshmi N Mittal has become the
richest man in South Africa, says a national weekly.
He take over of former state-owned steel producer
Mittal's 50 per cent stake in Mittal Steel SA won
him this new status. The new company was born out
of Iscor, which he turned around with a huge cash
injection and cost-cutting technologies after first
taking an interest four years ago when Iscor was ailing.
The value of Mittal's interest in Mittal Steel is
10.22 billion rands, putting him ahead of Nicky Oppenheimer
of Anglo American plc, whose four per cent stake in
the company is worth 9.28 billion rands. The Rembrandt
Trust, belonging to the Rupert family, has investments
worth 6.1 billion rands, giving it third place. After
that, investment values start dropping rapidly, with
only two South African Indians making the top 150
- filmmaker Anant Singh, whose stake in Kagiso Media
is worth 107.5 million rands; and AK Peer of the clothing
retailer LA Group, worth 85.6 million rands.
NRI Mittal's interest in South Africa
is worth over 10 billion rands, this is reportedly
only about five per cent of his total wealth, according
to the Forbes list. Mittal moved up 59 places to become
the third richest man in the world in the Forbes list
after his many acquisitions worldwide of steel companies
that has made Mittal Steel the largest steel company
in the world

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