NRI doctor is
one of the 2005 Ten Young Outstanding Americans
(TOYA Awards)
NRI (non-resident Indian) Dr. Vikram Sheel
Kumar has been named as one of the 2005 Ten
Young Outstanding Americans (TOYA Awards) by
the United States Junior Chamber of Commerce.
Dr. Vikram is the first (NRI) American of
Indian origin to have been selected for this
esteemed 2005 TOYA award. The 67th TOYA annual
awards presentation will be held on September
17th 2005 at the World Trade Center in Boston,
TOYA award:
It is one of the oldest and most prestigious
recognition programs in the world. The Junior
Chamber of Commerce of the US set up the award
in 1938 to felicitate 10 young Americans of
21-40 years of age for their contribution to
the society
Some of the earlier recipients of this
honor include Bill Clinton, John D. Rockefeller,
John F. Kennedy, Henry Ford, Robert F. Kennedy,
Richard Nixon, Elvis Presley, Henry Kissenger,
Christover Reeves, David Copperfield, Al Gore,
Dick Cheney, Arthur Ashe, Jessie Jackson, Ted
Kennedy, Howard Hughes and William Webster.
In TOYA's selection process, nominee accomplishments
and contributions are judged in relation to
the Jaycee Creed: That earth's great treasure
lies in human personality, and that service
to humanity is the best work of life
Dr. Vijay Sheel Kumar
- Vikram moved to the US in 1996. After graduating
from Modern School in New Delhi, Vikram
went to the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)
and subsequently Columbia University, after
which he joined Harvard Medical School and MIT.
He is also the recipient of 'Paul and Daisy
Soros Fellowship for New Americans', a founding
fellow of Media Lab Asia, run at MIT with support
from Indian government, and a member on the
advisory board of the Global Emerging Technology
Institute (GETI)
- Vikram was earlier named among the 'World's
100 Top Innovators Under 35' in biotechnology
and medicine by the prestigious Technology Review
magazine of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
- Dr Vikram Sheel Kumar, Co-founder and Chief
Executive Officer, Dimagi: Founded Dimagi in
Boston to develop interactive software that
motivates patients to manage chronic diseases
such as diabetes and AIDS. .
- Vikram, 29, who is an alumnus of Modern School
and the Indian Institute of Technology in New
Delhi, and the Harvard Medical School in Boston,
- In 2004, 'Technology Review', the prestigious
publication of MIT, named him as one of the
world's 100 top innovators under age 35 in biotechnology
and medicine for his contribution in erasing
the boundaries between life sciences and information
- He also received the prestigious "Technology
in the Service of Humanity" award in 2004
from 'Technology Review', for his pioneering
work's potential to transform the world.
Dimagi Inc:
- Vikram Sheel is the co-founder, CEO and
president of Boston based Dimagi Inc, where
clinical interfaces, health information systems
and mobile technologies are designed to manage
global disease.
- It was founded on the principle that high-quality
information is a prerequisite to high-quality
healthcare. It creates a new generation of information
tools and infrastructure that will ultimately
improve the quality of healthcare available
to anyone, anywhere in the world.
- It also build systems upon power efficient
and practically robust hardware platforms that
range from mobile phones toPCs. His company
is deploying systems South Africa, Zambia, Rwanda
and in India,.
- He helps people in the US through his clinic
Dimagi Inc.

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Dr. Vijay Sheel Kumar
- Named as one of the 2005 Ten Young Outstanding Americans
(TOYA -most prestigious Awards)
- Earlier recipients of this honor include Bill
Clinton, John D. Rockefeller, John F. Kennedy, Henry Ford,
Robert F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Elvis Presley, Henry Kissenger