Pre Election Party- Meet The candidate for
US congress DR. Jay Shah
Long Beach, May 30, 2010
Shah Family
Dr. Jay Shah is running as US representative in District 46. Election is on 8th June and there was a party given in Long Beach by "SHAH" family to houner & respect efforts of Dr.Jay Shah.
District 46 includes Palos Verdes, Pennnisula, Part of Sanpedro, Loan Beach, Westminister and Costa Mesa, Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley,Seal Beach,Sunset Beach and Catalina Island. There are 1.4 million people, 400,000 are registered voters and 125K are democrats.
Over 180 Guest attended to show their support for the candidate Dr. JAY SHAH.

Mrs. Usha Shah and Family including sons and daughter-in-law started the meeting.
Grand children Vishal Shah and Arti Shah spoke words of their admiration and respect for their Grandfather. Eloquent speeches discribing DR. Shah's dedication to the community were made by community leaders.
An inspirational speech was made by Dr. Shah where he inform his guest of his vision and his desire to run for political office, to serve NRI community. As a volunteer of the community for 36 years he stressed need of unity and political power for survival of our future generation. NRI faced inquality as minorities in our society, so we need political power to protect equality dignity and respect. DR. Shah medical specialist is also retired USAF, major and flight surgeon. DR. Shah and family thanked all guest . Dinner was surved and catered from Ashoka The Great Indian resturant. DR. Shah's grand children, Shivani, Aarti, Radhika and Vishal performed energetic dances to popular American and Bolywood songs. All guests enjoyed dancing to scintillating music provided by DJ Hetal Gandhi of Kumba Entertainment. The guests put on their dancing shoes and danced the night away. It was an evening of uplift speeches, delicious food , dancing and mingling with the candidate Dr. Jay Shah running for congress as a US Represetative from District 46. Newthing happen as pioneer spirit in person take chance for recretion of vision & dreams.
