Yesterday's statement of Sh. Sukhbir Badal that the
Gandhi family had failed the state of Punjab and that where ever
Rahul Gandhi visited the congress party had lost, are comments out
of sheer frustration. Probably the junior Badal is not aware of
the historic perspective of Gandhi family's contribution not only
to Punjab but India as a whole. Needless to remind him that Rahul
Gandhi is in his fourth generation to serve India. Pandit Jawaharlal
Nehru his great grandfather was pioneer of independent India, he
not only suffered and was imprisoned for leading India's independent
movement but also courted arrest in the popular 'Jaito ka Morcha'
to support the cause of Sikhs seeking liberation of their Guruduwara's.
The modern India that we see are a result of strong secular foundations
laid by Pandit Nehru, followed by development in all spheres by
Mrs. Indra Gandhi. Rahul's father Sh. Rajiv Gandhi took India forward
in the field of Technology and communications. Besides great services
to the nation the Gandhi family has sacrificed self to keep India
united. We cannot forget the untimely assassinations of Mrs. Gandhi
and Rajiv Gandhi for the unity and integrity of India.
Projects like the Punjab Agriculture University, Bhakra Dam our
major source of electricity, network of canals and the modern Punjab
that we see today are also a part of Gandhi family's contribution
to the development of Punjab. I wish to question Sh. Sukhbir Badal
as to what is the contribution of your father and yours for Punjab?
While out of power your father had only launched agitations and
'Morha's' to achieve nothing but to get thousands of Punjabi's killed
during the days of terrorism. While Punjab burnt you were living
a cozy protected life in the U.S.A. What is your contribution for
Akali Dal to become its President? Can you show even one day of
Jail or struggle which was a qualification to become an Akali. You
should not forget that you are President SAD courtesy your father
S. Parkash Singh Badal. Without him you may not be elected even
a Sarpanch of a village. You are playing politics while safely seated
in the laps of your father. Your family has only indulged in mass
corruption as is evident from the charges framed against you in
the Mohali court. Therefore before you speak about Sh. Rahul Gandhi
who is the future of India and the youth of this country want to
see him as Prime Minister of India, you must choose your words carefully.
In the end I demand a public apology for making such derogatory
remarks against the Gandhi family or else the Congress cadres would
resort to showing black flags and will 'Gherao' you in Punjab.
Sukhpal Singh Khaira,
MLA Bholath.
Congress pity's Sukhbir's frustration
Jeetmohinder singh
Sep. 21, 2008
Senior Congress leaders have criticized the maverick president
of the Shriomani Akali Dal for his statement about the forthcoming
visit of the party general secretary Rahul Gandhi to the state from
tomorrow. The Congress leaders said, it only showed Sukhbir's frustration
and lack of faith in the great Punjabi traditions of hospitality
which make them welcome even an enemy.
The Congress leaders pointed out, Rahul Gandhi is the general secretary
of the oldest and largest political party in the country that is
in power at the centre and so many other states. Besides, they remarked,
Rahul Gandhi was the scion of the family which had given great honour
to the Punjabis in general and the Sikhs in particular by appointing
Dr Manmohan Singh, a Sikh, as the Prime Minister of the country.
They said, as the SAD president is realizing to his utter frustration
that the ground beneath his feet is eroding and slipping fast, he
has started issuing such statements which are unbecoming of the
leader of a party which claims to be the representative of the Punjabi
and Panthic interests.
The party leaders pointed out, Punjab is a land of great Gurus,
Saints, and Sufis who preached love and brotherhood. Sukhbir, they
said, unfortunately presents a strong contrast to great Punjab traditions
by spreading the venom of hatred and vindictiveness. As a true politician
he should have great respect for a senior leader of a political
party that has won the country its freedom and made so many sacrifices
for it's unity and integrity. He should better think twice before
opening his mouth.
They said, Sukhbir might have been thrust with the presidentship
of the SAD, but he is yet to graduate to the level of political
maturity that this post requires. He is still behaving like a political
maverick mouthing everything that his made to mouth without understanding
or realizing its implications.
However, they added, Sukhbir's frustration over Rahul Gandhi's
visit to the state is quite understandable for the obvious reasons
that it has generated huge response from across the state among
the people in general and the workers (youth) in particular. "Be
like a true Punjabi and take everything in Punjabi spirit without
getting desperate and frustrated so fast", the Congress leaders
advised Sukhbir.
SunnyBrar, GurdipSinghBhaini,LuvKumarGoldy,
and JeetmohinderSinghSidhu All MLA's.
SnatokhChaudhary,ChRamLubhaya, RCDogra,SurinderDawar,
All Ex MLA's.
Maheshinder SinghBadal,TejinderSinghBittu,HarminderSinghGill,RattanSingh,Dr.DharambirAgnihotri,TarsemSinghand
Amarinder ridicules Badal
for trying to 'bribe' Patiala
Chandigarh, Sep. 15, 2008
Jeetmohinder Singh
Former Chief Minister Capt Amarinder Singh today ridiculed Chief
Minister Parkash Singh Badal for his naive and foolish attempts
to bribe the people of Patiala. In a statement issued from London,
Capt Amarinder remarked, "it is sheer naivety on part of Badal
to presume that he can bribe the people of Patiala with Rs 250 crores
so that they overlook his acts of omission and commission so far"
Capt Amarinder said, the people of Patiala have a strong and emotive
relationship with him and his family for over 250 years, when his
forefather Baba Aala Singh founded the cityof Patiala. Moreover,
people of Patiala understand the motive behind Badal's promised
bounty as the timing itself explains everything. He pointed out,
Badal has been the Chief Minister for four times and how come he
found the love for Patiala only now. "Obviously he is trying
to atone for the cardinal sin he committed by getting their duly
elected representative disqualified from the assembly for personal
prejudice by using the numerical majority in the house", Capt
Amarinder observed, while adding, people of Patiala are wise enough
to see through his dubious motives.
The scion of the Patiala royal family maintained that their emotional
bonds with the people of Patiala were too precious and priceless
to be bought by the petty traders like Badals. "This is Badal's
typical way of doing things; bribing people for his personal gains",
Capt Amarinder remarked in his imitable style, while adding, "but
here he will fail miserably as he must realize that everything is
not saleable, not at least the trust, love and confidence the people
of Patiala have always reposed in me and my family for over 250
He pointed out, the people of Patiala have returned him to the
assembly twice and him having the privilage of becoming CM Punjab
after becoming MLA from here,besides also getting his wife elected
to the Parliament twice. Referring to the allegations of Badal that
he had hardly done anything for Patiala, Capt Amarinder remarked,
"I don't need to explain it to Badal at least, because the
people of Patiala know what I have done for them". He pointed
out, people of Patiala had time and again acknowledged it with the
huge margins of votes with which he was elected to the assembly.
The former Chief Minister said, Badal may cry hoarse that there
was no political motive in his day long sangat darshan at Patiala
on Sunday, but everybody knows and understands why he needed to
spend a full day there canceling all other prescheduled engagements.
"One fine morning he wakes up and decides to listen to the
people of Patiala, what a great awakening and realization",
he remarked while adding, "I must appreciate Badal's honest
admission that Patiala would no longer be discriminated against,
which means he had been discriminating with them (people of Patiala)
so far as they had elected me to the assembly with such a sweeping
margin", he pointed out.
Capt Amarinder hoped, Badal keeps his promise of giving Rs 250
crores to Patiala. "Because we know how sincere he is in his
promises and commitments, the former Chief Minister remarked.
Jeetmohinder Singh Sidhu on behalf of Capt.Amarinder Singh
Why is SAD so desperate to defame Amarinder?
Chandigarh, Sep. 14, 2008
Jeetmohinder Singh
All sitting and former Congress legislators today condemned the
Shiromani Akali Dal-Bharitya Janata Party government for its slander
campaign against the former Chief Minister Amarinder Singh in the
aftermath of his so called indictment and his unconstitutional disqualification
from the assembly
In a joint statement, the Congress leaders said, having realized
that the slander campaign against Capt Amarinder had not only failed,
but also boomeranged on it with widespread outcry in media and the
public, the government was now desperately trying to defend itself
by literally buying space for this campaign in newspapers which
otherwise had already seen through its dirty game and refused to
be part of it.
Referring to the paid advertisements being published in various
newspapers obviously by a worried SAD-BJP Goverenment, they asked
as who was paying for these advertisements that cost crores of rupees
and where that money came from. "Have the SAD and its vindictive
president Sukhbir Badal got so desperate that they now want to run
a trial by media through these paid advertisements?", the legislators
asked while pointing out that the way the paid advertisements were
being inserted in the newspapers only showed how frustrated Sukhbir
was getting to make out as if the false and baseless allegations
against Capt Amarinder were true.
The Congress leaders observed, "to conceal one lie, you have
to speak hundred more lies and that is precisely what is happening
with Sukhbir and his SAD as he is now finding it difficult to face
the public". They said, the quotes attributed to the former
Improvement Trust chairperson, Mrs Ratna Sharma were false and fabricated
and these were quite contrary to what she had actually said and
spoken, as reported in the media a few days ago.
They said, in the mad pursuit of settling personal scores with
Capt Amarinder, the SAD president Sukhbir was committing one cardinal
sin after another. "First he tried to used his majority in
the assembly to get Amarinder Singh indicted and expelled, now he
is literally buying out the newspaper space to defame him",
they pointed out, while adding, this really shows the level of frustration
he is suffering from as the masses of Punjab have already seen through
his designs. Come what may nobody was going to buy his baseless
allegations against Capt Amarinder.
The Congress leaders demanded that it needed to be probed as who
was behind this slanderous and defamatory advertisement campaign
and who was financing it. "Otherwise who would be so concerned
to buy newspaper space worth crores of rupees just to try to repeat
a lie 100 times so that it is deemed to be a truth", they pointed
out, while referring to the repeated assertions in the advertisements
to make out as if Capt Amarinder had really indulged in corruption.
The party leaders also appealed to the newspapers to ensure that
no defamatory and slanderous material is allowed to go to the print
just because it is paid for. "Our newspapers have always maintained
highest standards of journalistic ethics and we are sure they will
continue with this tradition and not take the bait from those who
are desperate to settle personal scores by hook or crook",
they said.
LalSingh, Brahm Mohindra, Avtar Singh Brar,Tej Prakash Singh,
Partap Singh Bajwa, Harminder Singh Jassi, Amarjit Singh Smra, Sadhu
Singh Dharamsot, SherSingh Gaggowal ,Ishar Singh, Avtar Singh Brar,
Rana Gurmit Singh Sodhi, Sunil Jakhar, Rana KP Singh, Razia Sultan,
Sunny Brar,Gurdip Singh Bhaini, LuvKumar Goldy, Randip Singh Nabha,
Ajitinder Singh Moffar,Surjit Singh Dhiman, OPSoni, Gurpreet Singh
Kangar, Makahan Singh, Ajaib Singh Bhatti, Nirmal Singh, Joginder
Singh Panjgrain, Harchand Kaur, Harmohinder Singh Pardhan, Kewal
Singh Dhillon, Kuldip Singh Bhattal, JPJain, MangatRai Bansal, Naresh
Kataria, Ripjit Singh Brar, Sukhpal Singh Khera, Surinder Singh
Sibia,Sukh Sarkaria, AjitSingh Shant, Rajbans Kaur Rana, Balbir
Singh Sidhu, Jasbir Singh Khangura
Sukhjinder Singh Randhawa, Ashwani Sekhri, Aruna Chaudhary,
Rumal Chand, Ashok Sharma, Jasbir Singh Dimpa,Sardool Singh,Prof.
Darbari Lal, Harjinder Singh Thekedar, HPS Ajnala, Gurchet Singh
Bhullar, Kanwaljit SinghLali, Avtar Singh Henry, Prakash Singh Saini,
Snatokh Chaudhary, ChRam Lubhaya, RCDogra, Surinder Dawar,Malkiat
Singh Birmi, Amrik Singh Dhillon, Jagmohan Singh Kangh, JasjitSingh
Ranndhawa, PrakashSingh Bhatti, Dr. Mohinder SinghRinwa, HansRajJoshan,
Ravinder SinghBabal, Raghbir Singh,Tripat Rajinder Singh Bajwa,Gurkanwal
Kaur, All Ex MLA's.
Sitting, former Congress legislators rally
behind Amarinder
Taking strong note of the expulsion of the former Chief Minister
Amarinder Singh from the Punjab Vidhan Sabha, several sitting and
former Congress legislators and ex ministers today condemned the
Shiromani Akali Dal-Bhartiya Janata Party for abusing the brute
majority in the state legislature to commit the murder of democracy.
They said, the SAD-BJP government in general and the Chief Minister
Parkash Singh Badal and his son Sukhbir Badal in particular were
scared of Amarinder Singh's popularity and hence they decided to
hit him below the belt. "Had they courage and confidence to
face Amarinder, they should have waited for the parliamentary elections",
the legislators said, while adding, using mean and treacherous methods
by employing the services of small time political leaders like Hairsh
Rai Dhanda, whose survival is dependent on their goodwill, the father-son
duo have betrayed a petty and mean mindset unheard of in Punjab
politics so far.
The Congress leaders observed, the Chief Minister and his maverick
son had set a dangerous precedent by trying to circumvent the judicial
process and settle personal scores by misusing, rather abusing,
the numerical majority in the house. They remarked, Badal and his
son have only betrayed their frustration against Amarinder and virtually
admitted their defeat much ahead of the parliamentary elections.
However, the Congress leaders said, this has only popularised Amarinder
Singh and won him more supporters as people have already seen through
the dirty and dangerous gameplan of the father-son duo. Moreover
this has further strengthened the resolve of the party and the workers
to teach them a lesson in the forthcoming parliamentary elections.
They pointed out, ever since they came to power, the father and
the son tried to implicate Amarinder in various false cases of corruption
as they wanted to put him behind the bars. But once the courts saw
through their design and granted blanket bail to Amarinder, they
now started circumventing the judicial procedure and abuse their
majority in the legislative assembly. "But if they feel that
they can demoralise the Congress workers they are living in a fool's
paradise", the former and sitting legislators remarked, while
adding, the expulsion will not stand the scrutiny of the law. Nor
will it stand the trial in open court of the masses of Punjab, who
have time and again expressed the resolve and confidence in the
leadership of Amarinder Singh.
The legislators maintained that the battle would now be taken
to the cities, towns and villages across Punjab. They said, the
father-son duo will only have to regret their decision as they have
tried to bite more than they could chew. They observed, there is
nothing wrong in political rivalry, but stooping too low is quite
unheard of. They pointed out, the father-son duo must be keen to
settle personal scores with Amarinder during whose regime they were
put behind bars. "But they must realise that they were sent
to the jail by a trial court and not by any executive or legislative
order dictated by Amarinder", they said and warned, this is
a democracy and regimes come and go and those who think that the
three years is a long time must realise that their countdown has
started now.
All Members of the Cong Legislative Party,Tripat Bajwa, HPSAjnala,Santokh
Choudhry,Sukhjinder Randhawa,Aruna Choudhary,Raman Bhalla, Harjinder
Thekedar, Rumal Chand, Kamaljit Laly,Avtar Henry, JagmohanKang,
Jasjit Randhawa, NathuRam, Prakash Bhatti, PrkashSaini, Prof. Darbarilal,
Raghbir Singh, Ramesh ChanderDogra, Sardool Singh, Ashok Sharma
All ex MLA;s
Following is the text of a note given to
Sh. Rahul Gandhi Gen. Secy. AICC on the political situation prevailing
in the state, during his visit to Phagwara Distt. Kapurthala yesterday.
A photograph has been attached alongwith.
Attn: -Sh. Rahul Gandhi Ji, Dated 24.09.08
Gen. Secy. AICC.
A brief note on the present political scenario in Punjab.
Ever since the formation of SAD-BJP Govt. in Punjab, Congress
leaders and workers have been targeted in a planned manner with
intention to demoralize our cadres in the state. Sh. Sukhbir Singh
Badal President SAD has virtually taken over reigns of power in
Punjab and is in fact De-facto Chief Minister. Thousands of cases
have been registered falsely right from top leadership down to village
level worker. The police of our state has become a handy tool in
the campaign of political victimization launched by the Akali's.
I my self am a victim of a false case of theft of a truck tarpulin
in the F.I.R No. 54 dated 18.4.07 P.S Subanpur Distt. Kapurthala
u/s 382, 342, 294, IPC. Police and the administration are indulging
in acts of both commission and omission. In cases where Congress
workers have been affected in serious crimes such as murder, attempt
to murder, serious injuries, the police prefers to look the other
way and Akali goons are scotting free after committing such heinous
Grass root democracy has taken a severe beating in Punjab, during
the recently concluded, local bodies and Panchayat elections. Can
you believe that the Congress has been unable to show its presence
in the over 12000 village panchayats and so is the case in the municipalities.
Booth capturing, rigging, broadaylight goondaism ruled the roost
during these elections. Major national newspapers carried mass coverage
of the said murder of democracy, even senior journalists were not
spared in the home constituency of the Chief Minister. Scores of
Congress workers have been killed in the so called grass root elections
in the state.
Even the august Vidhan Sabha has been misused to muzzle the voice
of the opponents through brute majority. I am not defending Capt.
Amarinder Singh's expulsion but my fear is that if legislatures
are allowed to expel elected members merely because of majority,
then this would set a very dangerous precedent for the Indian polity.
Therefore to sum up, I feel that the central Govt. has not taken
due cognizance of the above mentioned unconstitutional and illegal
conduct of the Punjab Govt. at the behest of Sh. Sukhbir Badal.
Punjab today is an absolute fit case for invoking article 356, President's
rule should be imposed and Vidhan Sabha suspended so that the rule
of law can be restored. I have my fear's, that if corrective measures
are not taken immediately, it may cost our party very dear in the
forthcoming Parliament elections. At present there is a sense of
fear in the minds of the grass root Congress workers who are the
one's likely to become our polling agents. Although a strong feeling
of resentment persists in the minds of the people against the Govt,
but there is an urgent need to restore the confidence of the people
and Congress rank and file in Punjab.
