Valmiki & Mazhabi Sikh Arakshan Bachao Morcha calls off the proposed Bandh on July 27
The Punjab Government would file a petition in the Supreme Court for the restoration of 12.5% reservation quota for Valmiki and Mazhabi Sikh community in various jobs and admissions in educational institutions.
An assurance to this effect was given by the Punjab Chief Minister Mr. Parkash Singh Badal to a delegation of about 200 members of 'Valmiki & Mazhabi Sikh Arakshan Bachao Morcha', and other organizations, who called on the Chief Minister here at Punjab Bhawan under the leadership of Mr. Vijay Danav, National President of 'Bhartiya Valmiki Dharam Samaj Bhavadhas'.
The Chairman of the Morcha Mr. Purshotam Chhabra has put forth the plight of Valmikis and Mazhabi Sikhs and demanded wholehearted support of the state government to resolve this issue on priority.
Reiterating the firm commitment of SAD-BJP government Mr. Badal said that the state government would left no stone unturned to sort the issue and uplifting the 'Valmiki' & Mazhabi Sikh communities in the State. Mr. Badal said that he had already ordered to immediately stop the on going process of counseling for the recruitment of 7654 posts of teachers in the education department where Valmiki/Mazhabi Sikhs applicants were not being given their due share of 12.5% in the reservation policy. He further said that he had also directed Food & Civil Supplies Department to consider the posts of Inspectors as backlog which were left vacant on account of 12.5% reservation quota of Valmik/Mazhabi Sikhs, till the outcome legal course of action.
Responding to their demand to take up the 12.5% reservation issue with the Center, Mr. Badal assured them that he would certainly take up this matter with the Prime Minister and the Law Ministry for a permanent solution.
Expressing gratitude to the Chief Minister, the 31-member Committee of 'Valmiki & Mazhabi Sikh Arakshan Bachao Morcha' called off the proposed state-wide Band on July 27.
Prominent amongst others who were present in the meeting included Principal Secretary to Chief Minister Mr. DS Guru, OSD to Chief Minister Mr. NS Sangha, Additional Advocate General Ms. Madhu Tewatia besides Virotam Chanderpal Anariya, Mr. Naresh Dhigan, Mr. Manoj Canedy, Mr. Lachhman Dravid, Mr. Yashpal and Mr. Subhash Sondhi.
Feed Testing Laboratory to be set-up soon- Ranike
Punjab Government would set-up of Feed Testing Laboratory at Verka in Amritsar district with Ultra-modern facilities of its first kind in north region. This was disclosed by Mr. Gulzar Singh Ranike, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Development and Fisheries Minister, Punjab. He said that for this purpose a sum of Rs. 3.50 crore had been sanctioned.
He said that a plan of Rs. 106 crore had also approved to strengthen the Veterinary Department. He further said that the nine new Veterinary Polyclinics would be opened with ultra modern technique in the state. He also said that 22 mobiles vans and district level and 45 mobile vans at Tehsil levels in 70 Tehsil and Block level Veterinary hospitals and dispensaries would also be provided. He further said that 507 hospitals and 568 veterinary dispensaries would be renovated in the state.
Minister disclosed that nine Polyclinics at Fatehgarh Sahib, Kapurthala, Ludhianan, Jalandhar, Tarn-Taran, Mohali, Nawanshahar, Amarisar and Moga would also be constructed. These Polyclinics would be made functional by the next year.
Mr. further said that to modernrise the Punjab Veterinary Vaccine Institute at Ludhiana Rs. 8 crore would be spent on the buildings and Rs. 7 croes on equipment.
55th NDC Meeting
Chandigarh, July 24, 2010:
The Punjab Chief Minister Mr. Parkash Singh Badal today called for revision of norms under Calamity Relief Fund for crop loss and demanded immediate enhancement in compensation to Rs.10, 000 per acre for the entire land holding of the farmers from the current scale of meager Rs.1600 per acre restricted only up to two hectares.
Taking part in the deliberations during 55th Session of the National Development Council at Vigyan Bhawan New Delhi, Mr. Badal strongly pleaded that the Centre should initiate steps to revise these existing norms forthwith as ‘these were too less and far inadequate’ to provide relief to the beleaguered farmers who were often subjected to the vagaries of the nature.
On the agricultural front, Mr. Badal impressed upon the Centre to either link Minimum Support Price (MSP) to the price index and account for cost of production or implement the recommendations of the National Commission on Farmers headed by the noted farm economist, Dr. MS Swaminathan to calculate MSP equal to the cost of production plus 50% as profit. He lamented that although agriculture was a State subject, but the States had no say either in the fixation of prices of farm in-puts like fertilizers and diesel or in determining the MSP. Highlighting the farm crisis in Punjab, Mr. Badal said that farm indebtedness had assumed the proportions of a grave human tragedy.
Punjab's rural indebtedness was estimated to be over Rs.35,000 crore. He said that most of the States could not be benefited much from the debt waiver scheme offered by Government of India. Therefore, he urged the union government to waive all agriculture loans as one time measure besides seeking credit at the rate of 4% interest to the farmers since agriculture was no more a remunerative activity.
To achieve the desired growth rate of 4%, Mr.Badal asked the Centre seeking special efforts to increase the production of fruits, vegetables and live stock i.e. dairy and fisheries as the productivity of major crops was almost stagnant. He also called for extensive research to evolve new varieties and technologies to be fully financed by Government of India, where the crops needed less water with high yield.
Referring to the Mid Term Appraisal of the 11th Five Year Plan, Mr. Badal said that the Planning Commission had fixed targets for Punjab at 5.90% during the 11th Plan with respect to economic growth. Against this target, the economic growth during the first three years of the Plan had been 6.88%, 6.40% and 6.69% and the average Plan performance was 85%. Expenditure in respect of 16 flagship schemes had gone from 70% to 84% in 2009-10.
Demanding one time complete debt waiver or at least debt re-scheduling for another 30 years, the Chief Minister said that Punjab was passing through a phase of fiscal stress due to huge debt and Pay Commission recommendations. He pointed out that the total accumulated debt was of Rs.64924 crore mainly due to decade long militancy and the net borrowings of the State would be Rs.6586 crore alone during the current fiscal. Moreover, the state was in debt trap as debt servicing was to the extent of nearly Rs.5700 crore every year. It was highly disappointing that under 13th Finance Commission share of the State had been increased meagerly from 1.299% to 1.389% only. The state government had taken a slew of measures to mop up additional resources by raising Rs.1200 crore through surcharge on VAT, hike in VAT rate, tariff on agriculture power and irrigation cess. The tax revenue was likely to be increased by Rs.3000 crore in the current financial year. Despite these measures Punjab was reeling still under severe financially crisis.
Outlining the power scenario, Mr. Badal sought 4000 MW Ultra Mega Power project by NTPC in the state with at least 50% share as Punjab had no central sector power plant and was ready to provide land and water linkage for the project. He also demanded to enhance the allocation of power from unallocated central sector power quota to 30% from 20% during the paddy season proportionately to state's contribution of rice in the central pool. Mr. Badal pointed out that since there was a great shortage of power in the state and more over we had already tapped all the hydro potential and now left with only alternative of thermal power, for which assured coal supply was very important and therefore a coal block of high quality be urgently allocated to the state. He also urged the Government of India to expedite the allocation of gas at the Government administered price for 1000MW Gas based power project for which the land was already available and the arrangements for gas transportation had been finalized with GAIL. The Chief Minister also sought coal linkage for 2640 MW Gidderbaha Power Project as Central Electricity Authority (CEA) had already recommended Coal linkage. This prestigious project had been held up only for the want of coal linkage whereas land had already been acquired, water linkage obtained and even environmental studies had been completed.
Seeking special category status under AIBP (Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme), Mr. Badal impressed upon the Centre to include Punjab under this category being major contributor of food grains to central pool, as the special category states were entitled to 90% grant against 25% for no-special category. The Chief Minister also sought a one time special grant for rehabilitation/rejuvenation of Century old Canal System in the state as Punjab had ‘mined’ its water to provide food to the nation which ultimately led to reduction in its carrying capacity by 20%. Under the project of ERM (Extension, Renovation & Modernization) of canals being fed from river Sutlej, Mr. Badal demanded a special aid of Rs.734.46 crore under AIBP without applying one-to one principle.
Making a plea to declare River Ghaggar as a 'National Project', Mr. Badal asked the Centre to canalize it on the priority to save Punjab and Haryana from devastation as it was responsible for floods leading to heavy losses in life, property and crops in the region. He also pointed out that the interstate projects for relining of Rajasthan Feeder and Sirhind Feeder have been sanctioned and sought the funding pattern for share cost of Rajasthan and Punjab to be same in the ratio of 90:10 (GOI:State). He also advocated that Riparian Principle should be adopted for inter basin transfer of water by protecting existing usages and future needs of Riparian States. He also sought grant for recharging of ground water in order to improve the ground water table.
Drifting from the agenda, Mr. Badal also impressed the Centre for setting up of a genuinely federal structure as the Central government was heading towards unitary form which was not only against the spirit of constitution but also detrimental to the country's overall development and prosperity.
Mr. Badal said that the powers conferred upon the states by the Constitution of India were being now usurped by the Central government and reiterated the state government’s demand for redefining centre-state relations with a view to strengthening the economic growth and development of the states according to their specific needs. He asked for recasting of formula for distribution of resources and devolution of central funds to states and demanded more powers and greater share for them in central taxes.
Touching the issue of Naxalism, Mr. Badal mentioned that our Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh had repeatedly stated Naxalism as the biggest internal security threat to India. Mr. Badal said; "First of all, we should be clear in mind as to why we have reached this situation. In my opinion, extreme poverty, unemployment, widening gap between the rich and the poor and feeling of political, economic and social injustice are the breeding grounds of Naxalism". He said that these conditions prevailed through out the country and it was extremely shocking to note that even 63 years after Independence over 40% Indians live in penury earning less than Rs.60 per day and were bereft of basic necessities of life like housing, clean drinking water, basic health and education facilities. Therefore, it should be the bounden duty of the nation and the Governments to work in unison for improving the lot of the disadvantaged section of the society, so that the Naxalism was controlled and does not spread to the other parts of the country.
Mr. Badal urged the Centre to identify those states where Naxalism was emerging and designate them as Group-B states on the pattern of Group-A states with acute Naxal activities as identified by the Central Government to fight against such organizations. He however said after classification of such states, a suitable policy be evolved by the Government of India to provide adequate financial assistance for enhancing development activities and strengthening the law enforcement agencies..
The Chief Minister was accompanied by the Finance Minster Mr.Manpreet Singh Badal, Chief Secretary Mr. SC Agrawal, Principal Secretary to Chief Minister Mr. D.S. Guru and Secretary Planning Mr. Satish Chandra.
Punjab DGP underlines the need for comprehensive training to check Cyber Crime
and terrorism inaugurates a three days course on cyber and Computer crime investigation for police officers at Punjabi university
Patiala, 24 July, 2010:
In the eyes of international opinion, cyber-terrorism is considered a serious threat at par with nuclear, bacteriological and chemical weapons. Today the issue of fighting against Cyber Crime and Terrorism should be put among the top most problems facing governments all over the world. A comprehensive training approach to the Police Officers at all levels is necessary to address this problem, said Shri P.S. Gill Director General of Police, Punjab while giving inaugural remarks at the inaugural function of a three days course on cyber and Computer crime investigation for police officers (DSP and Above) organised by the Department of Forensic Science Punjabi University here today. Earlier Shri P.S.Gill along with Vice Chancellor Dr. Jaspal Singh inaugurated the newly established cyber and computer forensics lab in the Department of Forensic Science Punjabi University.
Shri P.S. Gill said that in India organized criminals and the terrorists have adopted computer technology with the sole objective of evading the tight conventional surveillance systems of the Police and Intelligence agencies.
Shri.Gill added that organized crime syndicates are now recruiting techno-competent persons to disrupt the computer systems of critical computer servers of certain companies for ransom money, stealing data and selling it for a premium to rival companies etc. He further said that three generic causes for difficulties in combating High-Tech Crime are the general slowness involved in a typically programmatic governmental response in tackling a new menace like High-Tech Crime, the advancement of Cyber Forensics and High-Tech Forensics being behind that of technology and the adaptability of technology by criminals for their ends and lack of cooperation from the Internet Service Providers located in other countries.
The DGP pointed out that Cyber crime has made a significant impact on the criminal justice system prevalent throughout the world as its effects were felt more as nations constantly endeavour to provide quicker and more efficient services to its citizens through the use of cyber space. Setting of up of cyber crime investigation cell and cyber forensic laboratories besides a comprehensive training approach to the Police Officers at all levels was necessary to address the problem, he added.
Vice-Chancellor Dr. Jaspal Singh in his Presidential remarks said that history of crime was as old as mankind. He said that criminals have become Hi-tech and Police need academic help to tackle them. He stressed that Computer-related crime, like any crime in general, may be explained by the conjunction of four factors, motivation (need), opportunity (weakness in controls), the rationalization (or justification on the part of the criminal) and the capability of the criminal.
Dr. Jaspal Singh suggested that Punjab Police and Punjabi University should collectively work in one specific field and provide excellent results to tackle hi-tech criminals. He further appealed to the Punjab Police to provide practical support to the students of Punjabi University and university is there for them for any help in the field of criminal investigation.
Dr. Mukesh Kumar Thakar Head, Department of Forensic Science while welcoming the guest and the participants said that the Department has established a State-of-the-Art Cyber and computer Forensics lab which was equipped with Disc and Device Forensic Facilities; Latest tools were procured for the analysis of Hard Discs from computers and data from mobile phones including data from Satellite phones. This lab will not only helpful to the students of the Forensic Science but also different types of training courses will be held for Police Officials to nab cyber criminals.
Dr. R.M.Sharma, Professor of the department while briefing about the topics of the three day course told that there will be five sessions of the course in which police officers will be trained in different areas of cyber & computer crime investigations such as types of Computer Crimes, email crimes, Bank frauds, Credit Card Frauds, Understanding the Mobile and SIM forensics etc. Dr. Komal Saini of the Department thanked the dignitaries and participants of the course.
Shri B. K. Uppal IG (Crimes), DIG Patiala Range S.K. Asthana and Narinder Bhargva SSP , Shaheed Bhagat Singh Nagar were also present during the inaugural session.
Chandigarh July 23, 2010:
Mr. Sukhbir Singh Badal Deputy Chief Minister Punjab today put the implementation of governance reforms on fast track with a commitment to put in operation 75% of reforms in operation by the end of calendar year.
Reviewing the progress of implementation of governance reforms in all the departments, the Deputy Chief Minister took the strong notice of reports of affidavits still being demanded in the various departments, colleges and universities from the general public despite their abolition by the Punjab Government. He constituted a special cell under additional secretary reforms to monitor the implementation of all reforms besides also to check unauthorized demand of affidavits.
The Chief Secretary Mr. S.C.Agrawal informed the Deputy Chief Minister that the implementation of e-tendering in six major departments has resulted in average saving of 14%. He said that e-Tendering has already been adopted in PWD, Irrigation, Comptroller of Stores, Industry , Health and Local Government Department besides Mandi Board and rest of the departments would be on this system with in two months. He said that a Government of India PSU was handling the total e-tendering project.
Emphasizing the need for transparency in execution, payment of various projects under implementation, the Deputy Chief Minister suggested to go in for online contract management system where review of the projects could be conducted sitting at HQ. It was informed that in the proposed online contract management system, contractors/ suppliers would raise the bill in the portal and measurement book would also be online and payment would be made with in a stipulated time on each bill.
Underlining the need for streamlining the file management at the secretariat level, the Deputy Chief Minister asked the Chief Secretary to ensure implementation of online management of files in all departments by 31 December. He said that all circulars, rules and regulations be put on portal so that it could be accessed by any interested party.
Aimed at improving service delivery in the urban areas, the Deputy Chief Minister said that Urban Suvidha Centers should be setup for a population cluster of 5000 to provide 57 services like house tax, property tax, sales tax besides collection of water and sewerage bills. It was decided to implement certification of building plans by the approved architects without any delay to encourage public to get their building plans approved.
The Chief Secretary informed the Deputy Chief Minister that Punjab Remote Sensing Corporation located in PAU Ludhiana was conducting digital mapping of all properties in Ludhiana coupled with on site survey of the properties. He said that after this database, calculation of stamp fee, house tax if any would be automated.
It was informed in the meeting the detailed project report for setting up 3000 e-grams was in final stage and Rural Development Department would soon flout its tenders.
Prominent amongst those who were present on the occasion included Dr. Parmod Kumar, Chairman Governance Reforms Commission ; Mr. Vishwajeet Khanna, Principal Secretary to Deputy Chief Minister ; Mr. R.K.Verma, Secretary , Governance Reforms Commission; Mr. Ajay Mahajan , Special Secretary and Mr. Manvesh Sidhu, Additional Secretary to Deputy Chief Minister Punjab and Mr. Manjit Brar Additional Secretary Governance Reforms Commission.
Chandigarh, July 23, 2010:
The Punjab Government would train one million persons over a period of five years under the Skill Development Initiative Scheme (SDI) in the State. Technical Education and Industrial Training Minister Punjab Ch. Swarna Ram said that their after one million persons would be added per year.
He also said that during the current year 35000 trainees would be trained in ITI’s , Government/ Private Polytechnics, Engineering colleges, General School & Colleges.
Minister further said that the minimum age limit for person to be included under the scheme would be 14 years and their would be no upper age limit as many as 1596 courses have been registered in different vocational training providers (VTD ) and sanctioned strength would be more than one lac, One Government Industrial Training Institute (ITI) in each district of the state has been declared as nodal in ITI for implementation of this scheme.
Director General of Employment and Training New Delhi had organized a two-day workshop of six states of India (Punjab, Haryana, Himchal Pardesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Delhi and Chandigarh) to upgrade 1396 ITI s under Public Private Partnership(PPP) mode. The Minister further disclosed that as may as 61 Government ITI s in the State have been covered under this scheme.
Referring to the skill development initiative scheme the Minister said that more and more unemployed youth would be imparted vocational training and the government would ensure their placement. Skill gap survey would also be planned, said the minister. Over 7.13 lac trainees had been trained in 1153 various short term courses under this scheme, he added.