Obama, became the first US
president who lit a lamp to celebrate the Diwali.
Washington, October 16 2009
Akbar Alvi
On Wednesday, US President Barack Obama became the first US president
who lit a lamp to celebrate the Diwali. He took part in a White
House ceremony for the festival of lights, lighting a "diya"
oil lamp inside the executive mansion and bowing respectfully before
a priest.
In the two minute long message, he explained what the festival
of lights means to those who celebrate it, whether they are Hindus,
Jains or Sikhs. Obama, known for commemorating holidays from all
religions, seizes the occasion to talk about those who are "less
fortunate," who "do not enjoy the same rights to speak
or worship freely." He says that "our hearts are with
The president also expresses hope that "at this sacred time
of year," people from all religions and cultures can join together
to "make a habit of empathy and reach out to those most in
Obama ends by saying that "Michelle and I wish you a happy
Obama used the occasion to sign an executive order setting up a
commission, comprised of 20 members from a wide range of government
agencies, to conduct a two-year study of how to assist Asian Americans.
The executive order saluted the success of many Asian Americans
but pointed out that some communities.