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A Woman’s Worth

For most of the world, the story of Adam and Eve in the book of Genesis, the first book of the Holy Book for the Jews, Muslims and Christians, is very well known. The same story, with different names, deities and symbols is known in other cultures and religions of the world. Eve was held responsible for the awakening of humanity by knowing the difference between right and wrong. Whether an act of disobedience or part of God’s plan; Eve had the courage and determination to decide in the midst of innocence to bequeath the same.
Ever since, a woman has met her destiny, to accompany a man in good and bad times. Just like a man is God’s greatest creation and His representative on earth… a woman is His sixth sense, inner voice, and source of life that allows a man to reach exaltation. She is an ocean of feelings, spirituality and enhanced senses that guides and provides meaning to a man’s ship of life. The Holy Book says that the greatest wealth that a man can have is a virtuous woman in his life. She is life, love and mercy-She is the representation of God’s love on earth. It is important, for us, women, to understand and believe in our royal lineage. So we can accomplish our greatest purpose, mission, and calling of all….that of being a woman!

More than ever before, we need to be the woman that builds her life and that of her loved ones on a rock...the rock of spiritual knowledge, integrity, conviction of values, education and work. It is sad to see how a woman is sentenced to silence, to oppression, to abuse, and to isolation in many parts of the world; especially, in less developed countries or radical-religious and political ones. But, who is there to blame? I believe, no one else, but ourselves. If a woman cannot give herself the respect that she deserves; it is almost impossible to claim and expect it from any body else.
I truly believe that the “feminist movement”, far from positioning a woman’s rights within society… it has got her confused in her worth. A woman should be educated, whether she becomes a career woman or not-whether she needs to contribute financially to her family or not. An educated woman is able to assist her children in their education- She is able to work and provide for herself and loved ones, if there is no man to do so in her life, or if the financial needs of her family require it. But, it should never be a woman’s priority to sacrifice the well-being of her family-life over a career or secular achievements.

A woman is dressed in determination and courage-She is a hunter and a warrior if the circumstances require it. Her sense of beauty comes from her capacity to love, to forgive, and to give-It is her modesty and candor that makes her wanted and appealing. Whether a virgin or not…she lives in chastity until she gives herself with honor and pride. She is made of character and convictions to shape, like fire molds iron, the people around her. She has a temper, like the tempestuous waters of the ocean, to have others respect her. She is a diamond to be protected and kept away from the lowest and most selfish passions of the flesh.

There is war, hunger, sorrow and pain in the world- How can we make it better? We cannot sit still and pretend that nothing is happening; or worse, pretend that is all men’s fault and responsibility. We can do something about it for sure- And, it begins with ourselves, at home, with our children, with all the people around us.
After all of this has been said and done…is a woman supposed to be submissive to a man? Of course, she is! She is to be submissive to a man that submits himself to God. I am not talking about being perfect…nobody is. I am talking about taking leadership and responsibility in our role as a woman in this world.

Like the old and wise saying goes: When a woman raises a boy…she is raising a man; but when a woman raises a girl…she is raising a nation!
By Diana Benavides

This writing is patented and the property of its author …Diana BenAvides