TORONTO, December 8 2005
Darshan Singh
NRI (non-resident Indian), Bhupinder Bath, 38-year-old
Mississauga tutor charged with sexually assaulting
a 13-year-old girl. He was arrested Sunday night at
his home in Malton after a teenage girl and her father
claimed she had been sexually assaulted. Peel Regional
Police have charged Bath with sexual assault and sexual
Bhupender Bath, a self-employed tutor who is married
with children said, he is innocent and will plead
not guilty. He tutored the girl and other students
in various subjects including math and science.
Bath said he is no longer tutoring, but hopes to
get back to the job because he enjoys it so much.
"I love teaching kids," he said. "I
work hard at it, and I become very happy when I see
progress in the children."