On Wednesday, October 27, 2004, a fifth man wanted in connection with
the shooting death of Amretta Singh was arrested by members of the Peel
Regional Police Homicide Bureau
Amretta Singh
Kajaruban VISVALINGAM, 25 years of Toronto, has been charged with Accessory
After the Fact to Murder. He will appear at the Ontario Court of Justice
in Brampton for a Bail Hearing on Thursday, October 28, 2004.
A Canada Wide warrant for First Degree Murder is still outstanding for
Vijayarajah MANICKAVASAGAR, 23 years of Toronto.
Vijayarajah Manickavasagar
He is believed to have fled the country to Sri Lanka, using an altered
Canadian passport under an assumed name. He is known as "Vijay"
and "Bullet", and has ties and associates in Montreal, Toronto,
Vancouver, England and Australia. His hair has been cut short to alter
his appearance.