Air India bombing trial cost $58 million,
largest trial in Canadian history
but no conviction.
Vancouver, Nov 26, 2005
Wally Oppal, Attorney General has come forward this afternoon
at the Legislature releasing a statement of expenditures
in connection with the Air India trial. According to the
report, total costs shared by the Federal government and
Provincial government amounted to nearly $58 million with
$30 million coming from the feds and the other $28 million
from the province. The figure includes the cost of mounting
the Air India trial, including the prosecution and defence,
courtroom construction and management services. The BC Auditor
General's office and the federal government audit office
audited the Air India trial expenditures annually. The $58
million price tag is attached to the largest trial in Canadian
history with more than 90 witnesses tesitifying for the
Crown. This money resulted in a huge trial but no conviction.